Monday, July 23, 2012

What is a Chiller? What does a Chiller do?

We know people have questions about equipment and want the simplest answer possible. So here is a brief overview of the Chiller:
Chillers pump cold water or liquid through machines, like processing machines and lab equipment, via tubes to cool them off and keep them from overheating.

The types of chillers are Evaporative, Air-Cooled, and Water-Cooled. Chillers remove the heat from the water before pushing it through the process machine using a condenser. Like their names, Air-cooled chillers use circulated air to cool the water in the condenser and the heat is moved outside of the machine. Evaporative also uses circulated air, and uses water mist to cool the water through the condenser. Finally, a Water-cooled chiller uses a condenser water loop to chill the water going to the process machine. The cooling capacity’s for these machines are typically 15 to 1500 tons. At, there are many machines like these from 60 to 900 ton chillers. In some cases, cooling towers are used to help the efficiency of the chillers. These are also available on our website.